Top Causes of Chimney Leaks During Rain


Understanding chimney leaks during rainy seasons is crucial for homeowners to maintain the integrity and safety of their homes. As precipitation increases, the risk of water infiltrating chimneys also rises, potentially leading to costly damages and safety hazards. This blog aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the main causes of chimney leaks during rain, offering insights into the common pain points and hurdles faced by homeowners.

Importance of Understanding Chimney Leaks During Rainy Seasons

Chimneys are essential components of homes that facilitate the safe venting of smoke and gases from fireplaces and heating appliances. However, they are also vulnerable to leaks, especially during rainy seasons. Water infiltration can cause a range of problems, including structural damage to chimney masonry, deterioration of interior components like flue liners, and even water damage to surrounding walls and ceilings inside the home. Understanding these issues is crucial for maintaining the functionality and safety of your chimney system.

Overview of Main Causes to be Covered

Throughout this article, we will explore various factors that contribute to chimney leaks during rain, including:

  • Damaged Chimney Crowns: Cracks in the chimney crown can allow water to seep into the chimney structure.
  • Faulty Flashing: Improperly installed or deteriorated flashing around the chimney can lead to water penetration.
  • Worn-out Mortar Joints: Degraded mortar between chimney bricks can create pathways for water infiltration.
  • Issues with Chimney Caps: Missing or damaged chimney caps can allow rainwater directly into the flue.
  • Condensation Build-Up: Poor ventilation or improper chimney design can cause condensation issues, leading to moisture problems.

By addressing these pain points and understanding the causes of chimney leaks during rainy seasons, homeowners can take proactive steps to prevent and mitigate water damage, ensuring their chimneys remain functional and safe year-round.

What Causes Chimney Leaks in Heavy Rain?

Chimney leaks during heavy rain can lead to significant structural damage and safety concerns. Understanding the common causes of these leaks can help homeowners take preventative measures and ensure the longevity of their chimney systems. Below are the main factors that contribute to chimney leaks during rainy weather:

Damaged Chimney Crown


A chimney crown is the topmost element of a chimney, designed to protect the masonry from weather damage. It acts as a barrier, preventing rainwater from seeping into the chimney structure and causing deterioration.

Chimney crowns can develop cracks due to various reasons, including natural wear and tear, freeze-thaw cycles, and poor construction. Over time, these cracks can expand, allowing rainwater to infiltrate the chimney.

When rainwater penetrates a damaged chimney crown, it can lead to significant issues such as:

  • Structural Deterioration: Water can weaken the masonry, leading to crumbling bricks and mortar.
  • Interior Damage: Moisture can seep into the chimney’s interior, damaging flue liners and causing rusting of metal components.
  • Mold and Mildew: Persistent moisture can promote the growth of mold and mildew, posing health risks to occupants.

Damaged Flashing

Chimney flashing is a protective barrier installed where the chimney meets the roof. Its primary function is to seal this junction and prevent water from entering the home through gaps.

Common Causes of Flashing Damage During Rain: Flashing can become damaged due to several factors, including:

  • Weather Exposure: Constant exposure to rain, wind, and temperature fluctuations can cause flashing to deteriorate.
  • Improper Installation: Poorly installed flashing may not provide an adequate seal, allowing water to penetrate.
  • Physical Damage: Impact from falling debris or roof repairs can damage the flashing.

Importance of Timely Repairs: Timely repair of damaged flashing is crucial to prevent water infiltration. Neglecting this can lead to:

  • Water Damage: Leaks can cause water damage to ceilings, walls, and insulation.
  • Structural Issues: Prolonged water exposure can weaken the roof structure and chimney masonry.
  • Increased Repair Costs: Delaying repairs can lead to more extensive damage and higher repair costs.

Worn-Out Mortar Joints and Masonry

Mortar joints hold the bricks or stones of a chimney together. Over time, these joints can deteriorate due to weather exposure, age, and the effects of rainwater. This deterioration creates gaps that allow water to infiltrate the chimney.

Effects of Water Penetration on Mortar and Bricks: Water penetration can have several detrimental effects, including:

  • Erosion of Mortar: Water can erode the mortar, weakening the chimney structure.
  • Brick Spalling: Water absorption can cause bricks to crack and spall, leading to further structural damage.
  • Interior Moisture Problems: Water infiltration can lead to dampness and damage inside the chimney and the home.

Solutions for Repairing and Waterproofing: To address worn-out mortar joints and masonry, homeowners should consider:

  • Repointing: Replacing deteriorated mortar with new mortar to restore structural integrity.
  • Waterproofing: Applying a waterproof sealant to the exterior of the chimney to prevent water penetration.

Faulty Chimney Cap

A chimney cap is a protective cover installed at the top of the chimney. It prevents rainwater, debris, and animals from entering the chimney.

Issues Caused by Faulty Chimney Caps in Rainy Weather: A missing or damaged chimney cap can lead to several problems, such as:

  • Direct Water Entry: Without a cap, rainwater can directly enter the chimney, causing water damage.
  • Blockages: Debris and animals can block the flue, obstructing ventilation and increasing the risk of fire.

Steps for Maintaining and Replacing Chimney Caps: Homeowners should regularly inspect and maintain their chimney caps by:

  • Regular Inspection: Check for signs of damage or wear and tear.
  • Timely Replacement: Replace the chimney cap if it is damaged or missing.
  • Proper Installation: Ensure the cap is correctly installed to provide effective protection.

Improper Chimney Design or Installation

Chimney design flaws, such as inadequate height, poor slope, or incorrect positioning, can affect how well the chimney functions during rain. These flaws can lead to water pooling and infiltration.

Importance of Professional Installation and Design Considerations: Professional installation and design are crucial to ensure a well-functioning chimney. Considerations include:

  • Proper Height and Positioning: Ensuring the chimney is appropriately sized and positioned to prevent water ingress.
  • Correct Slope and Flashing: Ensuring proper slope and flashing installation to direct water away from the chimney.
  • Use of Quality Materials: Using high-quality materials to enhance the chimney’s durability and resistance to water damage.

By understanding these common causes of chimney leaks during heavy rain and taking appropriate preventative measures, homeowners can protect their chimneys from water damage and ensure their safety and longevity.

Signs and Symptoms of Chimney Leaks

Identifying the signs and symptoms of chimney leaks early can prevent extensive damage and costly repairs. Here are some key indicators that your chimney may be leaking:

Detecting Water Stains and Dampness

Where to Look for Water Stains Inside the Home: Water stains can appear in various places around your home, indicating a potential chimney leak. Key areas to inspect include:

  • Ceilings and Walls: Look for discoloration or stains on the ceilings and walls near the chimney.
  • Fireplace Surround: Check the area around the fireplace for any signs of water damage.
  • Attic Space: Inspect the attic, especially around the chimney, for water stains or damp insulation.

How Dampness Indicates Chimney Leaks: Dampness around the chimney area is a strong indication of a leak. Moisture can seep through cracks in the chimney crown, damaged flashing, or worn-out mortar joints, causing:

  • Peeling Paint or Wallpaper: Excess moisture can cause paint to peel or wallpaper to bubble and peel away.
  • Musty Odors: Persistent dampness often leads to musty odors, suggesting water infiltration.

Mold and Mildew Growth

Health Risks Associated with Mold and Mildew: Mold and mildew thrive in damp environments and can pose significant health risks, including:

  • Respiratory Issues: Exposure to mold spores can trigger asthma attacks and other respiratory problems.
  • Allergic Reactions: Mold can cause allergic reactions, including sneezing, runny nose, and skin rashes.

Locations Prone to Mold Due to Chimney Leaks: Mold and mildew are likely to grow in areas affected by chimney leaks, such as:

  • Around the Fireplace: Check the area around the fireplace for signs of mold growth.
  • Attic and Basement: Mold often grows in dark, damp areas like the attic and basement.
  • Walls and Ceilings Near the Chimney: Inspect for mold growth on walls and ceilings adjacent to the chimney.

Unpleasant Chimney Odors

Causes of Chimney Odors During Rain: Unpleasant odors emanating from the chimney during rainy weather can be caused by:

  • Water Absorption: Wet bricks and mortar can produce a musty smell.
  • Mold and Mildew: Moisture from leaks can lead to mold and mildew growth, which can emit foul odors.
  • Creosote Buildup: Water mixing with creosote deposits can create a pungent smell.

Strategies for Odor Elimination: To eliminate chimney odors, consider the following strategies:

  • Regular Cleaning: Have your chimney professionally cleaned to remove creosote and other debris.
  • Moisture Control: Address any leaks promptly to prevent water from entering the chimney.
  • Mold Remediation: If mold is present, hire a professional to remove it safely and thoroughly.
  • Chimney Cap Installation: Install or replace a chimney cap to prevent water and debris from entering the chimney.

By being vigilant and addressing these signs and symptoms promptly, homeowners can mitigate the damage caused by chimney leaks and maintain a safe, healthy living environment.

Preventive Measures and Maintenance Tips

Regular maintenance and preventive measures are crucial to avoid chimney leaks and ensure your chimney remains in good condition, especially during rainy seasons. Here are some essential tips:

Regular Chimney Inspections

Importance of Annual Inspections:

  • Early Detection: Annual inspections help identify potential issues before they become major problems, saving you time and money on costly repairs.
  • Safety Assurance: Regular inspections ensure that your chimney is safe to use, reducing the risk of fire hazards and structural damage.
  • Prolonged Lifespan: Maintaining your chimney through regular inspections can extend its lifespan and enhance its performance.

What to Expect During a Professional Inspection:

  • Visual Examination: A professional will visually inspect the chimney for any visible signs of damage, such as cracks, deteriorated mortar, or damaged flashing.
  • Internal Inspection: Using specialized tools, the inspector will examine the interior of the chimney for blockages, creosote buildup, and structural issues.
  • Detailed Report: After the inspection, you’ll receive a detailed report outlining any issues found and recommended repairs or maintenance actions.

Proper Chimney Cap Installation and Maintenance

Steps for Installing and Maintaining Chimney Caps:

  • Choose the Right Cap: Select a chimney cap that fits your chimney’s dimensions and is made from durable materials like stainless steel or copper.
  • Professional Installation: Hire a professional to install the chimney cap to ensure a secure fit and optimal performance.
  • Regular Maintenance: Check the chimney cap periodically for signs of damage or wear and clean it to prevent blockages.

Benefits of Professional Installation:

  • Expertise: Professionals have the knowledge and experience to install chimney caps correctly, ensuring they provide maximum protection.
  • Quality Assurance: Professional installation often comes with warranties, giving you peace of mind and protection against defects.

Flashing and Crown Repair

How to Identify and Repair Flashing and Crown Issues:

  • Inspection: Regularly inspect the flashing and chimney crown for signs of rust, cracks, or other damage.
  • Seal Cracks: Use a high-quality sealant to repair minor cracks in the chimney crown and prevent water infiltration.
  • Replace Damaged Flashing: If the flashing is severely damaged or corroded, replace it to ensure a watertight seal around the chimney.

Costs and Considerations for Repairs:

  • Flashing Repair: The cost of flashing repair or replacement can vary based on the extent of the damage and the type of materials used. Professional repair typically ranges from $200 to $500.
  • Crown Repair: Repairing a chimney crown can cost between $150 and $300 for minor repairs, while complete crown replacement may cost $1,000 or more.

Waterproofing Masonry


Techniques for Waterproofing Mortar and Bricks:

  • Clean the Surface: Thoroughly clean the chimney’s exterior to remove dirt, debris, and mildew before applying a waterproofing agent.
  • Apply Waterproof Sealant: Use a high-quality, breathable waterproof sealant designed for masonry. Apply it evenly to all mortar joints and bricks, following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Recommended Products and Application Methods:

  • Sealants: Look for products like Siloxane-based sealants, which are highly effective for waterproofing masonry.
  • Application: Use a brush, roller, or sprayer to apply the sealant, ensuring full coverage. Allow the first coat to dry completely before applying additional coats if recommended.

By following these preventive measures and maintenance tips, homeowners can significantly reduce the risk of chimney leaks and ensure their chimneys remain in excellent condition, even during heavy rain. Regular inspections, proper installation, timely repairs, and effective waterproofing are key to maintaining a leak-free chimney.


Understanding the top causes of chimney leaks during rain and implementing preventive measures can save homeowners significant time, money, and stress. Regular chimney inspections, proper chimney cap installation, timely flashing and crown repairs, and effective waterproofing are essential steps in maintaining a leak-free chimney. By addressing issues such as damaged chimney crowns, worn-out mortar joints, and faulty chimney caps, homeowners can protect their homes from water damage, mold growth, and structural deterioration. Proactive maintenance not only ensures the safety and functionality of the chimney but also extends its lifespan, providing peace of mind during rainy seasons. Remember, investing in professional services and staying vigilant with maintenance can make all the difference in keeping your chimney in optimal condition.

Chimney Sweep Scam Alert

On February 8, 2024 I spoke to a new customer who had a harrowing experience.  She lives in an upscale neighborhood in Southern Orange County.  She saw an ad on her neighborhood social media page that advertised 30% of chimney sweeps and the company name was Lucky Sully Chimney Sweep.  We are the only licensed contractor with that name.

She responded to the ad and when the chimney sweeper arrived, she saw he was driving a Prius.  The price she was quoted was $175 (with the 30% discount), but this man (said his name was Ray) said the price was $300 and wanted cash.  He was unable to provide a business card or any stationery with the business name.  He said he was from AM Janitorial Services but had no business card or license.  He said the Lucky Sully bid the job out to him.  We DO NOT bid out jobs to other companies.

If we feel the job is not something we can do, we may refer homeowners to other legitimate chimney companies, but it is up the the homeowner to contact those companies.  We do not receive commissions from these companies.  We do NOT advertise on neighborhood social media sites although some of our customers have written about us on some of these neighborhood pages.

If you find out about us from an ad on social media, please call our main number 714-342-7415 or email us at if you want to do business with us.

chimney sweep scam alert notice

Beware of Chimney Scams

*Consumer Warning*
We have had a large number of customers tell us about companies advertising very low prices for chimney sweeps who then come out and tell the customer the price is really $500-$700 for a chimney sweep (way beyond the usual range).  Customers who agreed to the bait and switch then had these companies do a bad job and ended up with lots of soot in their homes.  When they wrote bad reviews, they were then threatened by these companies.  On checking with the California Contractors License Bureau, none of these companies have contractor’s licenses, so it is illegal for them to charge more than $500.  The company names are often similar to legitimate companies who do have a contractor’s license.

Lucky Sully Chimney Sweep has been serving Long Beach & southern California since 2004. We have over 25,000 satisfied customers. All of our technicians have been with us for at least 15 years. We are committed to giving you the very best in chimney and fireplace services. Get a chimney inspection from a licensed company here.

We are certified, licensed, bonded and insured for your protection.

Chimney scams

Dirty Chimney Being Cleaned

Every time you use your fireplace, soot (creosote) is created and deposited on the inside of your chimney as the smoke travels up the flue. As that substance cools it solidifies and results in a caked on layer that will build up use after use. Creosote is made up of particles from the wood and is incredibly flammable. After enough creosote builds up, it can ignite and launch a fast-spreading, dangerous chimney fire. We will remote this creosote and leave your chimney and fireplace clean and ready for use. At the same time, we will inspect the fireplace and chimney and make sure there are no additional hazards.


Chimney Fire in 30 foot Chimney

This particular chimney fire is in a 30′ chimney.  The owner was negligent in keeping his chimney swept.  Chimney sweeping is to remove highly combustible creosote from from flue.  When a considerable buildup occurs AND and is not removed, it is only a matter of time until the buildup in flue ignites.  In this case the entire inside of flue ignited, creating incredible this torch!  Temperatures in flue go from 350-450F normally up to as much as 1750F in an event like this.  That is really a lot of heat!
Luckily, the owner of this property realized he had a chimney fire and took immediate, fast and very correct procedure and was able to extinguish the chimney fire before much damage occurred. Hats off to him!
NOTE: These types of chimneys are tested to be able to withstand this much heat and are designed to be able to handle the heat IF chimney was installed correctly, has been maintained and has no issues where original build has been compromised either thru misuse or decay from elements.
Regular inspections and cleanings are recommended to ensure your chimney meets industry standards.

Fixed price chimney inspections and cleaning

We get questioned about why our price is higher than the $99 or $69 specials.  Well, I have several answers to that.

To properly service a chimney, it usually takes about an hour, plus 30 minutes driving time to job. Some very dirty chimneys can take up to 2 hours to clean.  So, $99 would not really cover costs to have a good employee, someone we trust in your house, that we trust will do a proper job. Our main purpose is to make sure you will not have any safety issues or hazards which could result in a house fire.  It has been reported that the major source of home fires in the winter is fire places.

We provide an extremely high quality inspection, using a camera down flue, which is especially important with masonry chimneys. We do cleanings without making a mess in your home. We have heard reports of low priced sweeps leaving soot all over.

Many of these low priced companies are not insured or use subcontractors who are not insured.  We have insurance (and will show you our insurance coverage), so if we fall off your roof, you are not liable, we have a contractor’s license, so you can be assured we are a legitimate company and pay all our taxes.

We have had customers report that some of these low priced companies arrive at their home and then up the price for the service to way higher than we charge, some times even double our price.  We provide a fixed price for chimney inspections and cleaning and then do not up the price after we arrive.

If a chimney sweep comes to your home and then increases the price substantially once there, send them on their way and don’t do business with them.

Dirty Chimney Before and After

Here is a dirty chimney we cleaned. You can see the before and after in the video.


Don’t get scammed by unlicensed chimney sweeps

chimney-fireplace-sweepingWe have had several calls from other reputable chimney sweeps that there are at least two chimney sweeps who are going out to people’s homes, quoting a low price and then charging $500 for a sweep.  A customer reported that they did not put down tarps and got soot all over their house.
If you are using a company to sweep your chimney, make sure they have been in business for a while, check their reviews, make sure they carry liability insurance, verify they are not using unlicensed or uninsured subcontractors, check the Contractors State License Board to make sure they have an active license, and also verify that they are not going to be changing the price for the chimney sweep once they arrive.

Getting your chimney ready for Fall

As the temperatures outside go down, it’s time to flip the switch up as we prepare to heat the inside of the home for the autumn months. Chimney fires are the number one cause of fires in homes.

Experts have a checklist several pages deep to regularly check and maintain your chimney, regardless of whether you have a gas or wood-burning one.

“We’re going to look in your chimney in the camera,” Freberg said. “We can see the joints on the inside of the bricks. If there are cracks, it becomes a little more dangerous.”

Often, they find a few surprises. If you don’t have a cap on top of your chimney, animals like birds and squirrels can easily build a home or get caught inside. Those nests or carcasses can easily start a fire where you don’t want one.

Read the full article here

Chimneys are a Major Source of House Fires

house fire, chimney

It was reported recently that fireplaces or chimneys cause about 25,000 house fires per year in the U.S.

The damage is mostly due to flames migrating upward to crack, warp or melt the masonry or metal chimney walls.

How can you prevent chimney fires?

1. Minimize creosote (soot) build up by getting chimneys swept regularly. Clean when there is 1/8″ of soot buildup.
2. Get chimney inspected regularly. This would include a video inspection of the chimney to make sure there are no gaps or cracks which can be a fire hazard. If your chimney sweep only looks down the chimney or uses a hand held mirror, this is not good enough. He will most likely miss many cracks and gaps.
3. Install a chimney cap. The cap can keep out leaves, birds, bees, and rodents. Animal nests can provide fuel for a fire. The cost of removing birds, bees and rodents is much more than the cost of a chimney cap. If you are in a beach community, stainless steel caps will last a lot longer than plain metal ones.